Industry is a place where people of all castes work. A majority of people incidentally belong to a particular caste and it is commonly felt that they dominate and dictate the industry as many top stars and producers are from that particular caste.
So many others are not very open about their caste and they don't bother to talk about it much. And some castes have real trouble even mentioning their caste.
Well, one such story is that of director Surender Reddy. During the initial days of his career, he would not use his complete name. In fact, in the title card of his first film Athanokkade, one can see only Surender in titles.
The film was a hit and that established him in the industry. Though he was part of the industry for quite some time, the film more or less made his place secure.
And now that he is looked upon as a hit director, Surender Reddy has started using his complete name and his caste name.
Well, success does make a difference in the industry and that's what matters most. And from his case, it is clear that if one is successful, then caste does not matter in the film industry.