A yester years' heroine who hails from Chennai is earning Rs 30,000 per single night by selling herself. This is the plight of this actress to meet the family requirements. She acted in number of films (Telugu and Tamil) in 90s and slowly gone oblivion. She couldn't make enough of savings for her future. Hence she is acting in TV serials as well now and then. She is indulging in escorting men and a pimp is working on her behalf.
The issue was leaked when the lady approached a doctor for contraceptives and general health check up for the fear of any STD. She was proved unaffected as of now but the hospital sources leaked the information. When enquired, her fee details and activities have come out. She is spending much of her time in Chennai and also in Hyderabad now and then. She is not so active in films now and her Hyderabad visits will be for this 'trade' in general. As she is not much expensive, there are many among affluent men who are choosing this lady. Her recent tryst was in a bungalow on Road 10 Banjara Hills.
Although she is 30 plus now, she still looks hot with traditional look.