If someone is criticizing the wife taking care of husband then it is unwise but then if the taking care gets extreme indicating slavery, then it becomes a topic of discussion. Especially when those who are serving have got an expression of fear than love and affection, the topic gets much hotter for discussion. Lately, it is heard that the services that Jeevitha is doing for her husband Rajasekhar has become the talk of the tinsel town. It is said that the services have reached the peak.
Many are saying that Jeevitha who is well educated, good orator, talented actress, director of two or three films, serving endlessly to her husband is giving a picture of slavery. Starting from tying shoelaces to putting on the buttons of a shirt, offering tissue paper to wipe the face, the gossip is that Jeevitha’s services to Rajasekhar are more out of fear than a love and affection for her husband. Even if there is a slight deficit in attending him, it is heard that Rajasekhar shows his ‘Viswaroopam’ to Jeevitha when they get back home and he sure shows her hell.
So, unable to bear all that torture, it is reported that Jeevitha has killed her own individuality and has been serving him living in the shadow of fear. A woman who aspired to head the women’s wing of the Congress party that is currently ruling the state and for someone who was willing to fight for women’s rights and was trying real hard to get to the position of the chairperson of the women’s commission, today, Jeevitha serving her husband like a slave is something thought provoking.
Those who are aware of the real story say that it is indeed a shame to the society to see the age old system of slavery between the couple not just at their home but also at the shooting spots.
Though they come across as a romantic couple in front of the TV channels, the reality is something else, as per the reports.