The tales of Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor keep on coming… Indian media now report that Saif and Kareena made love in the ladies rest-room of a top-notch Mumbai hotel.
Both were busy eating dinner, when Kareena decided to take a break and go to the ladies room. Soon after that Saif followed her and locked the door behind. The rest of the guests tried in vain to get it, but Saif kept responding by saying I’m busy.
Later it was reported that Saif had actually went in there for a cigarette… but why into a female rest-room and why the same one where Kareena was?
We would love to read your views on this hot topic… do you think Saif and Kareena are going a little over the top these days with their antics and should begin to refrain a little? Or do you think that they are both just human and free to do what they want, where they want to, and the media have no right to prey? Please use the comments section below for your thoughts.