Envy always plays its role between two successful beautiful women. A promising star Priyamani couldn't hide her jealousy against Anushka, a rising star.
Anushka has gained reputation for figure of late- thanks to Yoga she teaches and practices. Priyamani disapproves Anushka's knowledge in Yoga.
'She (Anushka) doesn't know ABC of Yoga. She pretends she knows it. She is not as slim as she thinks. Have a close look at her. She has fat all over", Priyamani shared that aloud in the presence of a few media persons.
They dutifully carried her remarks to Anushka. Anuskha's rebuttal was too crude and blunt. It is said that she replied, 'She has fat, where a woman doesn't need to have.'
This is the essence of the cat fight between these two dames.