A noted TV anchor has been spotted in Prasadz multiplex on Friday under suspicious circumstances. She entered Screen 2 in Prasadz where she was joined by another guy. They were drinking coke from the same straw during the course of the movie.
After the movie is over, both of them came out of the theatre and exited the complex in different directions alone so that they will not come under public eyes together. They again met in the car parking slot in the cellar and traveled out of the theatre in a white SX4. Though this particular incident does not prove any thing, it definitely provides enough room for suspicion, especially when there are rumors of many TV anchors engaging themselves in the dark trades.
For those who are looking for a hint, she is a popular anchor in a daily show in a famous channel and has acted as a sister of a Tollywood superstar in a Nandi Award winning movie directed by the Creative director Krishna Vamshi.