The film 'Krishnajuna' was released last week. The film has opened to some mixed talk. The films did not reach the pre-release hype created in the media. Nagarjuna fans are also not happy the way their hero was portrayed in the film.
The biggest minus point in the film was its music. M M Keervani scored the music for the film. But except for a couple of songs, the music by and large is not good. The reason behind this has just come to light.
Manchu Vishnu and Manchu Manoj used to attend the sitting of music sessions along with Keeravani. But they started interfering in the working of Keeravani. Over a period of time, Keravani could not take it any longer. Therefore he just lost interest in the project and scored whatever was asked by Vishnu and Manoj. That is the reason why the music is so dull in Krishnarjuna.