Cinema is the most vibrant, desirable and glamorous field in the world. Though countless people come to industry to shine in different crafts of filmmaking, very countable and lucky persons will get the ‘one chance’. While few rightly grab the opportunity, others fail to do so.
On the flip side, sometimes industry is projected in negative manner. Common people’s opinion aside, few heroines have openly lashed out that heroes, producers and directors use to call them for a physical relationship to provide them a movie chance.
From the past few days, an actress took to social media to express the kind of sexual harassment and casting couch she has faced in the film industry.
She was even invited for TV debates and one particular channel announced to have conducted sting operation on Tollywood celebs.
This actress affirmed that, a hero’s brother and a producer’s son asked her to sleep with them for a film offer.
She even stated to have appropriate proofs for her assertions. Many predicted these two belong to a specific compound in the industry.
Surprisingly, a director offered two films to the controversial lady in the meanwhile. This hinted that, the hero’s brother and the producer’s son are from a different camp.
As a matter of fact, Tollywood is the place where unexpected things will always arise to stun cine goers!