Well, when things go well, everyone's a friend and a well-wisher. Only when things are different will one get to know one's value and other person's genuine behavior.
There was this producer, who was known for making big films in the industry. He would make only big budget films with mega and Nandamuri heroes. But he was also known for his loose tongue.
Since he made his way up from down, he would talk recklessly on many occasions without being diplomatic.
However, one fine day, he stopped making films and started taking care of his other businesses.
Right now, he has a wedding in the family and talk is that he is making heavy arrangements for the wedding.
Industry insiders say that from politicians to film people, he has been inviting all the big people he had known through the years.
In that order, he is said to have met megastar who is said to have spent at least 15 minutes with him.
When he met Ram Charan, as per tinsel ville gossip, both of them spent nearly an hour. It is said that it was same with other top heroes. Even heroes he never worked it, exchanged pleasantries with him, it is being said.
However, when he went to a young hero with the card, he is said to have barely spoken a couple of words and sent him off. In fact, it is the said producer who made a hit film with the actor when he was going through a bad phase.
Probably, they did have some differences of opinion at the time. But that was some time back. Still, the hero could have behaved better. More so because the meeting happened on the set of his latest film and there were quite a few people watching them.
Talk is that many felt that the hero could have conducted himself better as the producer had gone to distribute cards for the wedding.