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Gossip: Dipsomaniac Prabhas Creating Fears

Gossip: Dipsomaniac Prabhas Creating Fears
For those who are not aware, Dipsomania means the unstoppable craving for alcoholic beverages. While most of the time, it is considered as a result of depression, there are times when it leads to disorders in thinking. However, young rebel star Prabhas has dropped a thunderbolt.
It is heard that Prabhas has been over drinking. It is being buzzed that he is spending late nights and coming up with a droopy eye the next morning to the shooting sets. Due to this, many scenes involve covering him in a big way so that the drained look in his face can be avoided.
However, notable sources now say that Prabhas has been becoming extreme after the death of his father and Prabhas fans along with the directors, producers are now having their own fears as to how many things they might face in the days to come. Many are asking him to keep away from alcohol for the love they have on him. Hope Prabhas listens to them.