This is the new gossip making rounds in Film Nagar. AVS has been with no offers from any side and even though close friends who are among directors offer him some small roles, they do not suffice his maintenance. His career is almost at the terminal stage. His health was also suffered in recent times with diabetes and that is evident on his face and body now.
It is said that AVS is doing new business joining with his brother A. Balasudhakara Sastry, an astrologer. The job of AVS is to find rich clients from film industry for his brother. And after performing japams and shanthis the percentage of income will be shared. That way, ABS is using his elder brother AVS.
Balasudhakara Sastry is known among elite circles and moves only with rich people. Only rich people are his clients. There were occasions when he bagged a few lakhs of rupees from his clients in the name of yagas and japams. Yes, the clients are also happy it seems. That was the subject of ABS!