The Southern star that shot to fame with Rajni Kanth's previous film is known for her figure rather than the acting prowess. She is working towards her acting talent to be recognized more very soon. She was bubbly initially but later turned slim and sleek with excessive dieting and liposuction. She got addicted to smoking as well.
Now she wants to quit smoking to keep her figure in shape on which she is betting her career in Tollywood. Smoke kills appetite and affects on the skin and lips.
But the poor girl whose love story with her Kollywood hero made news is finding it difficult to kick the butt. The Mallu girl, who recently decided to quit smoking after being warned by her doctor, is going through "hell" trying to kick her smoking habit. The girl was warned by the doctor and asked her to keep away from smoke. Now she is down to a pack from four but it is a battle for her to say Goodbye to the addiction.