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Flop Hero's Father 'Boothulu' On Critics

Generally it is said that the film director’s job is the most thankless one because despite all his best efforts if the film doesn’t work then he is blamed for everything. However, there is also another department which gets much sharper criticism and mudslinging for their job. It is the department of the film reviewers and critics.

Right now, the father of a flop hero who is also an actor himself is busy blasting all the critics with full ‘Boothulu’ in his Base voice amongst his friends and close circles. He is unable to blast the critics directly. Ironically, when the critics write positive reviews he will not say the same with his friends, he will say it is his son’s talent and skill.

What the hero’s father must realize is films come and go and all movies will not become hits. He should also know that everyone should write only good things about his son’s films is not a rule. The critics focus is on giving inputs which can make the film better and give a reference to the actors on how they should change themselves. That’s the story folks.