In light of the recent news about the marital life of Pawan Kalyan and Anna Lezhnova, the Janasena party's Twitter handle shared a picture of the couple participating in a puja related to the success of Varahi Yatra at Pawan Kalyan's residence in Hyderabad.
While it is confirmed that Anna Lezhnova has indeed arrived in Hyderabad according to reliable sources, the purpose of her visit is rumored to be something different.
The main point of doubt arises from the photograph posted on the Janasena party's Twitter handle. There is no substantial evidence to confirm whether this picture is recent or an old one being used in the current context.
If it were genuine, it is expected that the Janasena party would have released a video as well. Anna Lezhnova's presence alongside Pawan Kalyan holds significant value and could potentially debunk all the allegations surrounding their relationship.
It seems unlikely that the party would miss such a valuable opportunity by only sharing a photograph and claiming it to be from the present event.
When Pawan Kalyan performed the puja alone at the beginning of Varahi Yatra, he made a grand show of it with various videos and photographs in the media. So, it raises questions as to why he wouldn't do the same if his wife was with him for the post-Varahi-success puja.
The whole situation seems suspicious, and in order to establish the credibility of Anna Lezhnova's presence at the post-Varahi-Yatra puja, there should be multiple photo galleries and videos available in the media.
Moreover, the presence of a mosquito bat in the background raises further doubts about whether the picture was taken at Pawan's house! Such things are hardly seen in an affluent house. Until more concrete evidence emerges, it is difficult to believe anything for certain.