There is a movie featuring a young hero which is being made as a pakka mass film. The film is nearly complete, with just one more week and ten days of shooting left.
However, at this stage, the editor who saw the entire footage gave a confidential report to the producer, stating that the making is worst.
As a result, the key individuals involved in the movie watched it and took it into consideration.
Unfortunately, there isn't much that can be done at this point except to make some changes in the editing process.
Fortunately, the entire production of this film was financed through non-theatrical income, alleviating any burden on the theatrical release.
The theatrical rights of the film also can be sold at good prices hiding the fact, and any shortfall can be compensated showing the films which are lined up. This is why they are prepared to quietly complete the editing and release it.
However, these days, when the makers perceive a movie as extraordinary, the audience tend to overlook it. If the makers are underconfident, then the film may score big hit. There were such hits last year and this year as well.
That's why the producer is thinking that any such magic may happen to save his image and so moving ahead to release the film.