Wise men say that 'The way to a man's heart is through his stomach' and though it proved to be correct from the past few centuries, it now appears that there is a new adage that is currently in the making which is going on the lines of 'The way to a star's heart is through 'Spirit'. Ask some of the top rung heroines and you would understand why.
Since that may not be possible realistically let us do our bit to enlighten you, it has become a common feature to see girls and boys sitting together in pubs and other joints smoking and drinking. Sometimes, the girls even outclass the boys with their newly acquired skills. However, we are talking about the big heroes of the film industry who enjoy their own private share of company while drinking and entertaining themselves.
It is heard that when these top stars sit for their drinking sessions, they are accompanied by none other than the top most heroines by their side who make up for a good company and entertain the heroes in a great way. In this process, it is also being said that some of the biggest deals are being clinched by this sexy starlets who not only amuse the male heroes but also work their way up the ladder in the film industry. Many other important issues are said to be discussed during such sessions which forms the right sync.
This has now become a common feature in the film circuit so even if the babes are not able to get hold of a major venture or something, they still have the key to get it done through other means. Meanwhile, the big heroes enjoy their share of ego and recreation and for having such a quality company around when you are in the 'Spirited' moods, it does not really matter to talk about a film or two and make the career of the sexy starlets too.
In Tollywood we have afew heroines who are under the umberella of some big heroes only with this 'spirit'ual relation. And in fact, those heroines are also getting blessings from their 'drink companions' in the matter of protection from eve teasing, a common phenomenon in industry. If big hero or big producer is behind any heroine, others in film indutry think twice even to crack a joke in front of her.