There are many heroes in the film industry those live with two faces. They talk one on face and other behind the shoulders. They act more off screen than on the screen.
Whenever such heroes meet any director, they say, "We have to do a film. Please look into some good story".
Believing in this, the directors jump in merry and keep spending time developing script only to that hero.
But when this comes out as a gossip, the hero shrugs the shoulders and says that nothing of that sort is in pipeline.
Recently a good director's name is heard along with a hero's name. The director has scored a big hit with a middle range hero. The gossip has started that he is doing with so and so hero after the success of that film.
But when a producer asked the hero about the film with that director, he said that why would he do with that director.
Then why the hero behaves as if he is giving opportunity to directors? There is a crooked strategy in that. When he throws a biscuit to any director when in success, the director would waste time developing the script for him and never approaches the other heroes. That's a way of killing competition in heroes' level.
Though we are talking about one particular hero here, there are many big stars who play this card.