Actually, the sensor in the head of Censor Chief caught that the first copy is not yet ready and they are hurrying up for censor as release date is announced to be Sep 23rd. She was also told by someone that they have managed with lab chief to get a fabricated certificate stating first copy is ready. The dubbing activity was carried on even yesterday at Shabdalaya. So, the censor members may have to watch the film without complete sound effects and RR.
All 24 crafts are working 24x7 for this film to release it on 23rd Sep. If the film fails to come out on Sep 23rd it will incur unimaginable loss.
If Censor Chief is not pleased by getting the print today, she may postpone the date to 25th as well. Hence entire team is running nonstop to get the censor done today. Otherwise, they may have to ask for the recommendation of the Chief Minister of the state. Censor Chief listens to none other than that chair.