Industry sources say that Mahesh Babu is on good terms with all heroes except for Junior NTR. That is one name that Mahesh cannot stand! Why? It's a long story.
When Galla Aruna was in Congress, Junior NTR was canvassing for the TDP. NTR was scheduled to visit Galla Aruna's constituency for campaigning. Galla Jaydev, son of Aruna and brother-in-law of Mahesh Babu reportedly called up Mahesh and asked him to request Junior NTR not to campaign in their constituency.
Mahesh called up Junior NTR and requested him for the same. Apparently, Junior had told Mahesh on that occasion that Mahesh should be ordering him and not requesting him.
Mahesh was very pleased at this humility of Junior but when he switched on the TV the next day, he was shocked to find the news all over the media that Junior had conceeded to his request.
Mahesh could not believe that Junior NTR had made public, a personal request, only to enhance his image.
Since then, Mahesh has not been especially fond of Junior NTR! That's the story folks! Stay tuned for more gossip.