Daivagna Sharma is considered to be a 'touch me not' for many of the film circles. Many are vexed up with his 'taking liberties' in attending film meetings without any invitation. He simply walks inside, climbs the stage and stands beside the key person in the meeting. As Daivagna Sharma looks with decent get up and hair style that resembles Satya Sai Baba, the coordinators hesitate to stop him at the dais. Although it's uneasy for the meeting-organizers they simply keep quiet in his matter for hesitation.
Daivagna does all these things only for publicity and for seeing his pic in News Papers as frequently as possible.
He hardly gets real invitations. But recently he got one for the audio release of 'Paata'. He was called on to release the cassette and give first cassette to producer. That way Daiavgna got a real call at least now.