A topic has begun to make rounds in Film Nagar about Colors Swathi’s character. Instead of discussing about the characters of other heroines, here is the reason why Swathi’s character is being discussed. It is due to the release of her two films which are releasing within a gap of two weeks.
Not only in our Telugu cinema or the Indian cinema, any cinema worldwide in any language will have the character of heroines as it is useful only to add that touch of glamour. The only difference is, our Indian cinema has got songs and the world cinema doesn’t have songs. Barring those very few heroine oriented flicks, our heroines are always limited to romantic scenes and songs.
Now, it is heard that the character of Colors Swathi in the film ‘KSD Appalaraju’ is reportedly very brief. The film unit reveals that the film runs primarily on satires of Tollywood and as such Swathi’s character is hardly there. This has led to the talk that ‘Colors Swathi Has No Character’.