Despite the fact that nothing much is going to work out, the grit with which megastar Chiranjeevi has been moving forward in the field of politics is giving rise to more and more entertainment and satirical humour on him. Now, another viewpoint has emerged after watching his recent gestures.
A noted film personality who is also a self-confessed Chiranjeevi fan said “Chiranjeevi gave his heart and soul and built an image from a common man to a Great Man. But now, all that greatness has gone down the drain and he is not even being treated as a General Mazdoor when it comes to his political stunts.”
On the other hand, few political intellectuals and noted members from society are laughing at Chiru’s adamant stand.
They are saying “Why is Chiranjeevi projecting himself? Going to Kadapa, slapping thighs and twirling moustaches, he made a mockery of his hard earned image. When is he going to learn? There was a time when streets and roads would be jammed if Chiru was coming but today nobody cares to give a second look if they know he is coming. Sad to see him becoming a General Mazdoor from a Great Man…”