All eyes are on the hosting of the fourth season of Meelo Evaru Koteeshwarudu (Who among you is a millionaire?), the popular quiz show on Maa TV, by megastar and Congress MP Chiranjeevi.
But there is one issue which is raising a lot of curiosity among the media circles is how much Chiranjeevi is going to charge for hosting the show.
According to sources, the megastar is charging a whopping Rs 10 lakh per episode for this season of MEK. And this is said to be the highest remuneration paid to any host of any reality show in the Telugu television history.
It is an open secret that the remuneration for a host is fixed based on his popularity and image. Since Chiranjeevi still commands a lot of popularity among the audiences, the MAA TV management might have fixed his remuneration. And it expects, Chiranjeevi hosting the show would definitely increase its TRP ratings.
In any case, Rs 10 lakh is not a big amount for Chiranjeevi, say his fans. In fact, it is much less compared to his image. If he does 13 episodes, it would fetch him only Rs 1.30 crore.
However, the show would definitely help him getting publicity for his 150th film Khaidi No. 150, through which he is making a re-entry into the film industry!