Chiranjeevi is said to have performed Naraghosha Shanthi recently. He is in lot of disturbance now followed by the unforeseen circumstances in his home front. Many assume that it is due to Nara Ghosha that Chiranjeevi procured in recent times. His glory pumped in envy among many industry and political circles. 'Envy and jealously of others are the root causes of all disturbances', say some.
Adding to that he is under 'Yelinati Shani' now that tests his patience and endurance levels. His fame, name and health will be at risk in this period. Hence the only way left is to perform pujas for Gochara Shani and put some naraghosha nivarana yantrams in house. Chiranjeevi is said to have undergone those things and his fans are also doing the same for the well being of their star.
Let us wish the celestial blessings fall on Chiranjeevi and get him rid of all disturbances.