The Government of Karnataka has recently passed an order putting a cap on the price of multiplex tickets at Rs. 200.
Earlier multiplex chains used to decide the price of the ticket as per public demand. This used to bring huge revenues for films riding on high expectations.
Things will be different from now on as the multiplex chains couldn’t milk the audience as per their convenience. So the revenues will come down drastically.
For instance, Baahubali: The Beginning has collected nearly Rs. 40 crore share in Karnataka. With the latest decision there will be a huge change in the market dynamics, opines the trade.
Baahubali 2 makers have been demanding Rs. 45 crore for Karnataka distribution rights. Buyers were okay with it until the new development.
As of now there are no takers for such huge amount as the trade circles couldn’t predict the outcome of a big film with the capped ticket pricing.