Telugu news channels including leading channels are facing a strange situation – they cannot telecast anything against ruling parties in Telugu states. They either have to do bhajana to the ruling parties or rundown the opposition parties.
Given this scenario, these channels are running “masala” discussions to divert the faults of governments.
Of late, we are frequently seeing live discussions about extra-marital relationships of individual persons or picking up a junior-artiste kind of Telugu actress to talk about casting couch for hours. Gayatri Gupta and Sri Reddy are the latest examples.
Similarly, recently a pro-TDP channel did a “sting operation” (you have to believe it!) on casting couch and revealed that a prominent director with several hits “used services of a budding actress who came to him for a role”.
Since then, social media has been speculating two prominent directors’ names as they have given big hits in the recent past. Both these directors are fuming that these channels are maligning the industry for their ulterior motives.
If they criticize the channels, people would assume that they are the guilty. If they keep silent, their names being discussed openly on social media.