There are two big men in the industry. Both are senior producers cum distributors. Out of these one had produced a film two years ago and the other guy bought it on a condition.
The condition was so clear that if there is any loss the money would be given back to the buyer within a month.
Finally the film was released and flopped at the box office. But the months turned, calendars changed. So far only a part of investment was given back as per the agreement and still there is almost Rs 1 Cr to recover.
The producer cum distributor who sold the film made another film recently and scored a big hit. He also made huge money.
But he is not in the mood of clearing the debts and seriously searching for the lands in Andhra Pradesh to invest. When the other producer asked for Rs 1 Cr, he said that he can give Rs 10 lakh as final settlement.
Yes, that's Tollywood. One has to lose many things to continue relationships and goodwill in the market. Everything and everybody is connected here.
Making fuss of everything may not yield positive results and sometime may backfire.