It has been quite some time since that hero delivered a hit. About three or four years ago, an average movie was released, surrounded by a series of flops and, frankly, disasters.
Currently, there is a film in the pipeline for him. However, even if someone approaches him to make a film, his remuneration quote is shocking.
The asking remuneration is a staggering 10 crores, and it's crucial to note that there is virtually no theatrical market for this hero.
In such a scenario, allocating ten crores for the hero's remuneration, at least another ten crores for the director and the remaining cast and crew, and a production budget of twenty crores, the total expenditure reaches forty crores.
The looming question is how to recover such an investment. Unfortunately, this hero, like many mid and small-range heroes, seems out of touch with the ground reality.
Despite the collapse of both non-theatre and theatre markets, they continue to demand exorbitant remunerations.
Even relatively unknown heroes are quoting no less than five crores for their dates.
Given the current state of the market and the remuneration demands of these heroes, it appears inevitable that four or five heroes will find themselves without projects by the end of 2024.