The disturbances in the heroes' families have been the talk of tinsel town for quite some time.
A young hero who got married two years ago is on the verge of facing a divorce petition from her wife as per the inside sources. The girl married him expecting a lot but nothing has been up to her expectations.
The hero hardly spends time with her but spends the evenings with other girls in the most happening pubs till the wee hours.
The close friends of this hero say that the couple have some compatibility issues and wish that they should settle themselves not taking the divorce route.
Another young hero who got married around the same time is also facing some compatibility issues with his wife.
The hero hails from an equally big family with that of his wife. The reasons for negative sparks between the two are not known.
Then comes the topic of another hero who got married long back and also has a child. The hero is addicted to some temporary affairs in spite of his wife's surveillance in silence.
Sources say that they have almost gone to the verge of getting divorced some time ago but settled down with mutual understanding. The bond between the two is not so strong and both have to compromise to keep continuing.