‘Golconda High School’ starring Sumanth, ‘Anaganagana Oka Dheerudu’ starring Siddarth, Mirapakaya starring Ravi Teja and ‘Parama Veera Chakra’ starring Balakrishna are releasing for this Sankranthi. While first two films are being dealt by Suresh Babu in the matter of theater allotments the film ‘Mirapakay’ is taken care by Allu Aravind. With this, no sufficient theaters were left for Dasari’s PVC despite Balayya, the big hero is lead in that. Dasari Narayana Rao is regarded as big man of industry. But now he is showing his Volatility and shouting on Suresh Babu and Allu Aravind as per the reports.
While Dasari is worried in this way, Balayya fans are also hitting him hard stating that the inability of Dasari made their hero’s film go to dogs without releasing in proper theatres.
It is known that major and important theaters in entire AP are in the hands of Suresh and Aravind.