The power of internet has been causing a great revolution in many lives and the film stars, especially the actresses, is no exception. The culture of Bollywood has been about personal blogs and websites. Now, even the bombshells have decided to get into the blogging bug. Madhu Sharma is the latest.
Apparently, the seductive beauties say that this is the best and quickest way to keep in touch with their fans and also update them about their upcoming ventures. While this is one angle, there are sources which say that blogs are also being used for ‘other’ business motives with male contacts. Some say that they are making a platform to date with richie rich in society and earn big money although no films in hand. .
Whatever it may be, the advantages of having a blog has really worked for the actors and the challenge lies in updating it consistently, maybe daily. The actresses also say that blog is one medium where they can pour their heart out without any qualms.