After a lot of rumours and hush talk, actress Amala Pal finally announced that she is parting ways with her husband Tamil director Vijay.
Now, it has become a talking point for other heroines in the field, including those who were already married; who had already taken divorce and even those who are yet to get married.
Prominent among them who reacted on Amala-Vijay episode were: Priyamani and Mamata Mohan Das. Both of them strongly supported Amala, saying that there is no support for working women from their families. Apparently, Vijay, his parents and even his sisters do not like Amala continuing her acting career as heroine.
“This is absurd. How can they curtail the freedom of a woman to choose her career, though she is married?” these heroines argued.
They said it was not correct on the part of Vijay’s family members to try to confine Amala to kitchen, without respecting her feelings and priorities.
There are reports that Priyamani got engaged to someone recently, but she is firm on continuing her acting even after the marriage. And Mamata, who too divorced her husband sometime back, has expressed view that it is better if heroines do not get married at all if they want to continue their career.
“Though I am not against the concept of marriage, it should not be an impediment in their career and become a bitter experience for a heroine,” she said. Obviously, she is preaching this keeping in view her own experience!