It looks like Junior NTR is taking the place of Mahesh Babu in Tollywood. His film Brundavanam has become a huge hit and surpassed the image of Mahesh and his much talked about Khaleja. Even our Puli of Pavan Kalyan did not do well.
Now it is the time of NTR. There is a talk that two super directors VV Vinayak and Rajmouli both favorites are doing a film together for NTR keeping his image in view. On the other hand Chiranjeevi himself is gearing up for a movie. In future it could be a tug of war between Chiru and NTR. There are rumors that Balakrishna Babai the other hero from the Nandamuri family might project himself as the CM candidate in the next elections and Babu might become a God father for him. All this would go ahead with Junior NTR’s campaign for the TDP. Since Babai and Abbai would join hand the election campaign would also become a great hit.
There could be a clash between YSRs son and senior NTR’s son in the next elections.