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AVS Brother's American Visa Comedy

It is known news that the senior actor AVS is a reel life comedian and entertains with his antics. However, it appears that his brother came up with an experience that became a bitter memory for him and real life comedy for those around him. His name is Balasudhakar Sastry and here are few details.
A source close to Sastry revealed “Last year, Sastry tried to go to America to be part of the TANA event. As such, he writes small books on astrology which he sells for Rs 5, Rs10 here. His plan was to take these books to the US and sell the same for $5 and $10. So, he got the printing of extra copies done by spending nearly Rs 4 lakhs - Rs5 lakhs.”
The source added “The irony is, Sastry did all this even before getting the visa and much to his misfortune, his visa got rejected. He was caught in a state of panic and as a result, he stared breathing fire. Well, he started blasting the American Consulate people for not granting him the visa and then the TANA people for assuring that he will get the visa”.

Well, his expenditure on printing of books is not recovered even now.