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Actors-Couple Got Into Sex-Working

When it comes to survival and competition, there is no better place than the film industry. This shows the richest of stars with their luxurious lifestyles and at the same time, a long list of those struggling and aspiring artistes who tend to have a hand to mouth situation.

Recently, an incident came to our attention and the news is that a duo of small time actors got married two years ago and now, they have been finding it difficult to run the family due to lack of offers and also due to the increase in competition.

Hence, the husband is said to have become a pimp and his wife the sex-worker. They say it is a decision taken more out of compulsion than anything else. While many say that’s a pity but true, for some artistes the teeth of film industry is too sharp like this. The actor used to appear in a few TV serials while the actress appears seldom in films too as padding artiste.