It's a common practice to hike up remuneration upwards upon achieving success. This is true for everyone in the industry, from character artists to leading heroes.
After tasting success, a hero might command a fee in the range of hundreds of crores, while a character artist might secure 5 lakhs per call sheet.
But this rule doesn't apply universally. One actor learned this lesson the hard way, finding himself in trouble l due to lack of film offers and the underperformance of his recent releases.
This actor burst onto the Telugu screen prominently. He left his job abroad and stepped into the industry as a hero.
He even played a villain in a major film and captivated audiences with his voice. He seemed invincible even during the challenging times of the pandemic.
But success proved to be his downfall. While one of his movies performed well in theaters and two others garnered attention on OTT platforms, he drastically hiked up his remuneration and even ventured into co-production, seeking a share in the profits.
Unfortunately, this move backfired. Subsequent releases failed to resonate with audiences, and films that were already shot remained without releasing.
Moreover, new directors and producers were hesitant to work with him due to his exorbitant demands and remuneration.
In the cutthroat world of Tier-C heroes, competition is fierce, with newcomers swiftly gaining traction. Despite potential reductions in his fee this hero now faces an uphill battle in securing film projects.