This Telugu actor is famous for his soft roles. He is past 50 years old but he still looks young. The character artiste has a son whose personal life is in mess.
The son has now filed for divorce from his wife, as she started troubling him on the influence of an outside person.
The character artiste didn't hide the fact that his son is getting divorce from his wife and he informed this on public forum too. But the personal life of his son was complicated due to a young hero.
The son's wife is said to be very close friend of this young hero and he is said to have misguided her.
While both sides of parents were trying to save this couple's marriage, the young hero allegedly prompted her to go for divorce and demand huge alimony.
It was on his advice, the girl is said to have started troubling the actor's son and his family more.
The young hero, who belongs to a top industry family, is allegedly widened the gap between the couple with his wrong suggestions.
This young hero's name was also recently dragged into personal matters of some celebrities of Hyderabad. He is fast gaining bad image in Tollywood for his "overt attitude".