On its second Saturday, Khaidi No. 150 collected more than other Sankranthi releases in US.
Trade expected GPSK to dominate in this weekend as Balakrishna is touring US right now. However, Khaidi ($80K) collected more than GPSK ($74K) and Shatamanam Bhavati ($64K) on Saturday.
Looks like the price slash has worked in favor of Khaidi No. 150 in its second weekend. Khaidi struggled in its first week due to high pricing for regular shows.
On the other hand, GPSK collections were surprisingly ordinary on Friday and Saturday even after special shows that were attended by Balakriahna. There were expectations that Balakrishna's visit would help GPSK to enter $2 Million club, but that seems unlikely now.
GPSK wk2-Fri $44k Sat $74K total $1571
Khaidi No 150: wk2-Fri $37k Sat $80K total $2363K
Shatamanam Bhavati: wk2-Fri $34k Sat $64K total $653K