Weekly Horoscope Sep 1 to Sep 7, 2019: Know weekly astrology predictions for all zodiac signs
Aries (21st Mar – 20th Apr): You should feel a boost to your confidence, strength and courage that will enable you to succeed in all your endeavors. Higher self-esteem will greatly improve your relationships. Your assumptions and calculations will come true in few situations, this will enable you to start new things or reenergizing something. Business people will earn profits. Employees will be able to resolve their hurdles at work. good time for physical activities like exercise, manual labor and competitive like sport. Some of you are likely to visit spiritual institutions.
Taurus (21st Apr – 21st May): You are more focused on your responsibilities at this juncture. You are likely to collect some expensive things now. Monetary gains are likely to improve. Some tasks may require determination and patience to complete. Students will get good opportunities to study higher courses. Good progress is indicating for business people. Those who have lost crucial documents may get them back with fewer efforts. Employees will have exciting time at office. Increased charisma makes for popularity in social situations.
Gemini (22nd May – 22nd Jun): You will make your dreams come true. Contacts will flourish. You are likely to buy luxury and expensive things. You will take initiative in solving other’s problem. People around you will praise your generosity for helping others in crucial times. Some of you are likely to attend auspicious ceremonies with family members. Business people efforts to increase the capital amount will be successful. Favorable time for those who are working in technical fields. Short trips, mental activity and communications will keep you busy.
Cancer (23rd Jun - 22nd Jul): Influential contacts will flourish. You will succeed in promoting your ideas. However, you are advised not to give any hasty commitments in financial matters. Frequent traveling is indicating. Those who are facing legal issues will finally see some hope of progress. New investors may join in partnership businesses. Employees will impress their superiors with their determination and self-confidence. They can also expect favors from their superiors at this phase. Taking risks in professional career should lead to positive results.
Leo (23rd Jul – 22nd Aug): Invitations from well-wishers and dear ones will be received. Monetary gains are apparently indicating. Students who are enthusiastic to study abroad is likely to get good opportunities. You are likely to work more vigorously regarding an auspicious ceremony at home. Employees can expect progress in pending issues at work, it could be related to promotions also. You will be able to fulfill any kind of responsibility at this phase with your determination. Family members who have opposed you in many issues will now start singing praises for your efforts.
Virgo (23rd Aug – 22nd Sep): Disagreements with relatives is likely in few matters. Some decisions will be made based on your past experiences. Domestic issues may require little care and patience to handle. Some of you may plan to make new investments. More efforts are required to expand your business. Employees will get good recognition at work place. Exciting chances are foreseen for those working in technical fields. Personal relationships will benefit from extra warmth and care. Spiritual and devotional activities will attract you.
Libra (23rd Sep – 22nd Oct): Good flow of income is indicating. New job opportunities are foreseen for unemployed. Students will also get good opportunities to study further. Those working in technical and research fields will get good recognition. Unnecessary expenditure is indicating apparently. Some of you are likely to perform religious rites. Employees are likely to get higher posts at work. Good time to take up creative assignments. Your social circle will widen with extraordinary people. social charm, tact and diplomacy make this the right time to settle disputes with your friends.
Scorpio (23rd Oct – 22nd Nov): Situations around you will favor you in all aspects. You will be able to complete any kind of tough tasks before the schedule. You will share delightful moments with childhood friends. Unemployed dreams will come true. You will succeed in achieving your goals. Independent entrepreneurs will sign new contracts. Writers and employees in creative field people will achieve good results in their profession. Take care of your health. Keeping an open mind comes naturally and this increases your chance of making new friends.
Sagittarius (23rd Nov – 22nd Dec): Blissful moments with friends and relatives are apparently indicating. Important tasks will be completed without any hassles. You will focus on domestic issues and resolve all the matters cordially. You will participate in social activities. Business people will achieve good results at this phase. Expenditure will increase drastically. Don’t be rushed into making important decisions at this juncture. Relationship tensions may occur if you are too harsh in speaking so, use patience and empathy.
Capricorn (23rd Dec – 22nd Jan): You will reminisce old memories. Health issues may upset your programs. Financial gains will be satisfactory. You will perform auspicious ceremony at home. Favorable time to buy expensive items. Procrastination is possible and you may take extra time to make decisions or to finish some important tasks. Positive changes at work are apparently indicating for the employees. Those who are working in technical and creative fields will be relieved from professional tensions. Try to avoid arguments with friends.
Aquarius (23rd Jan - 22nd Feb): Good Rapport will flourish with family members. Unemployed are likely to get job opportunities. Favorable time to clear disputes with friends and relatives. New agreements will be made in property matters. An incident that you come across at this phase will attract you. Construction related works will run smoothly. Some of you are likely to visit religious places with family members. Influential contacts will flourish. Employees are likely to be given higher positions at work. Long distance travel is indicating.
Pisces (23rd Feb – 20th Mar): Delay in projects are indicating. An information received now will bring joy in the family. Financial position will increase and you will be able to meet the increased expenditure with ease. Contacts will flourish. You are likely to participate in spiritual and social activities. Favorable time to take important decisions. Unemployed are likely to join jobs. Unexpected journeys are possible. Stay away from difficult situations. Listen carefully and explain yourself clearly to avoid misunderstandings.
Vakkantham Chandra Mouli