Weekly Horoscope Sep 8 to Sep 14, 2019: Know weekly astrology predictions for all zodiac signs
Aries (21st Mar – 20th Apr): New opportunities are foreseen for the employees. Favorable time to implement your thoughts into action and get rid off nagging issues. Positive energy and clarity make you feel more comfortable and confident being yourself. Social and professional life relationships would be pleasant and relatively stress-free. Good time for education related works. This is a good time for impulse buying on fashion and jewelry. You will share your emotions and love with your family members. Property dealings will run smoothly with your new strategies.
Taurus (21st Apr – 21st May): All the savings amount received now, will enable you to clear off pending loans. This is a time to rely on your intuition and inner knowledge. Contractors will get good assignments. Picnics and tours will be delightful. Business people will be relived from nagging issues. You will make good impression at work place and your superiors will be very supportive. Sales people will succeed in making profound influence on others. You are likely to meet someone who affects you through some creative ideas and plans.
Gemini (22nd May – 22nd Jun): Misunderstandings will be cleared off with family members. Those in creative field are likely to receive wonderful opportunities. Good time for socializing and making new friends. You will participate energetically in social services. Your strong opinions and thoughts will enable you to come out from a tricky situation. Business people will excel in their present work and earn good profits. Employees will be relived from work stress. Long term financial commitments are likely. Considering other’s feelings or listening to other’ s will save you from embarrassing moments.
Cancer (23rd Jun - 22nd Jul): Admitting your mistakes and fine tuning yourself will make you successful. Legal issues will come to an end and probably the result will be favorable to you. Marriage related activities will be fruitful. Helping others in right time will earn you special status among your people. You will enjoy harmony in the company of your family members. It is also good time to make changes in your life as they will happen quickly and fairly smoothly. Trust your instincts and do not be afraid to take risks.
Leo (23rd Jul – 22nd Aug): Financial gains from paternal side is indicating. Guests will pour in this week. You will be relieved from chronic health ailments. Excellent time for attending social parties and get togethers. You will have the respect and support of almost everyone because they will appreciate your drive, initiative and courage. Financial dealings will run smoothly even if expenditure increases. Positive changes will bring hope to unemployed. A competitive yet also a cooperative attitude makes winning come easy.
Virgo (23rd Aug – 22nd Sep): Relationships will improve with existing friends and well-wishers. debts will be cleared. Achievement and recognition for employees are apparently indicating. Business people will earn good profits. An increase in communications, meetings and journeys makes this busiest phase. Success is certainly indicating for the people working in creative fields and politics. Writers and industrialists will also get good recognition. Time to focus on long term investments. Things will be moving along well, and you will be feeling hopeful about the future endeavors.
Libra (23rd Sep – 22nd Oct): Long pending issues will be cleared off. Income will increase certainly at this phase. Favorable time to take initiative to deal with relationship problems with friends. Health will also improve. You will spend some delightful moments with relatives. Favorable time to implement your thoughts into action. Employees will be honored with special posts at work place. Your balanced focus and determination on your career will attract people around you. You are more likely to go along with your plans now and also get back the opportunities which you have lost recently.
Scorpio (23rd Oct – 22nd Nov): Frequent journeys are likely at this phase. You make action plan for your future endeavors. Take initiative to settle disputes with siblings. Business people are likely to earn good profits in their projects. People working in research and political fields will get good recognition for their hard work. You may fail to control unnecessary expenditure at this phase. Creative field people will make good progress in their current projects. Your efforts to start second line of income to make money will be fruitful. Mental worries are likely to increase.
Sagittarius (23rd Nov – 22nd Dec): Favorable time to earn extra income. Those who are interested in arts and other cultural activities will spend some time on them. Service oriented activities too will attract you. Business people are likely to join, new partners in their business. Important agreements are likely to be postponed. Health should not be neglected. Communications and new contacts will develop. Do not make any hasty decisions. carelessness with your words could lead to disagreements. You may not feel comfortable in some social situations.
Capricorn (23rd Dec – 22nd Jan): You will spend money on auspicious ceremonies at home. important works will be completed on schedule. Emotional feelings will be shared with your childhood friends. Some of you are likely to buy expensive items. Property disputes will be settled in amicable atmosphere. Invitations and greetings will be received from distant relatives. Employees will be given higher positions at work. Expenditure will increase. Good time for socializing, making friends, asking for favors. You will have greater power and influence over your own life, allowing for positive transformations.
Aquarius (23rd Jan - 22nd Feb): Though some hurdles are indicating, you will finish all the tasks as planned. Your decisions will get good recognition. Some of you are likely to take memberships in social organizations. Business people are likely to earn good profits. Employees will have pleasant atmosphere at home. Unnecessary expenditure is indicating apparently. Untimely food may disturb your health. All the existing relationships will be warm and enjoy emotional growth. Good time to catch up with old friends.
Pisces (23rd Feb – 20th Mar): Some important works will get postponed. Expenditure will also increase. Savings will get blocked due to other commitments. Family responsibilities will increase at this phase. Some of you are likely to visit holy places. Communications with friends will improve. Employees will be given additional assignments at work. work pressure is likely to reduce for those who are in creative and sports fields. Listen carefully and explain yourself clearly to avoid misunderstandings with family members.
Vakkantham Chandra Mouli