Weekly Horoscope June 24 to June 30, 2019: Know weekly astrology predictions for all zodiac signs
Aries (21st Mar – 20th Apr): You will receive compliments for your hard work and sincerity. Good financial position will enable you to clear off pending debts. Delightful moments with childhood friends will reminisce your old memories. Some of you will gather people to do charity works. Your kind attitude will win many appreciations. Influential contacts will support you for your good needs. Business people will earn profits in their current projects. People in creative field are likely to receive invitations. Pleasant surprises can be expected at this phase. Employees will have good time at work. Domestic issues may cause mental stress and may lead to health issues.
Taurus (21st Apr – 21st May): New projects taken at this juncture will run smoothly. Enormous support and help from family members will enable you to take important decisions. Some incidents may surprise you at this phase. Those who are planning to buy vehicles or any other expensive items will do so. You may recover from chronic health ailments. Students will get good opportunities to prove their talent. Business people will have favorable time. Employees will be given prestigious assignments at work. Those who are working in publication departments and media fields may get good opportunities to grow further in their professional life. Expenditure may raise at this juncture. Your enthusiasm to take challenging assignments will be successful.
Gemini (22nd May – 22nd Jun): Nagging issues will be resolved at this phase. Good time to implement your thoughts into action. Blissful news will be received from distant places. Your efforts to increase your income will be fruitful. Some of you are likely to participate in spiritual and religious rites. Your charm and communication skills will attract people around you. Employees will get good encouragement at work. Time to show your leadership skills. Those who have joint properties may have some disputes. Solidarity in the company of your spouse is indicating. You are advised not to give any emotional commitments in personal matters.
Cancer (23rd Jun - 22nd Jul): Contacts with high society people will increase. You will get good recognition for your hard work. You will earn name and fame in the society at this phase. Those who are facing troubles in buying property will overcome them. You will be able to discharge all your responsibilities with ease. Some tricky situations may confuse you. Improvement in health issues is apparently indicating. Employees will receive appreciations from higher authorities at work. Unexpected journeys are indicating. Good time to try difficult tasks. Future oriented plans and commitments will yield fruitful results. People around will be attracted to your friendly warmth.
Leo (23rd Jul – 22nd Aug): You will be delighted to receive an invitation from loved ones. Unemployed will get good job opportunities of their choice. New agreements will be made in property matters. Attending auspicious ceremonies with family will increase your social status. Business people are likely to hit good business deals and earn profits. Employees will get good recognition for their honesty and hard work. Abundant chances are likely for the people in creative field. Awards and rewards are also indicating apparently for the people in research and media fields.
Virgo (23rd Aug – 22nd Sep): Reunite with old relatives is likely at this juncture. Though financial flow is indicating, you may have to lend money to meet your additional requirements. Unexpected invitations may thrill you. Favorable time to invest on fixed assets. Your skills and talent will get good recognition and you will be able to choose right path to grow in your career. Business people will attract customers with new schemes. Your service-oriented attitude will earn you good name in the society. You should feel more at ease around other people and comfortable in public.
Libra (23rd Sep – 22nd Oct): You will be surprised with the situations around you. You will share beautiful moments with your near and dear ones. Your efforts to resolve misunderstandings with siblings will be successful. Your bests buddies may introduce you to the influential person in the society. Research field people may get opportunity to travel abroad. Surely, you will make it as a personal cum professional trip. Some of you are likely to break old habits and replace them with something new. Favorable time to start savings plans.
Scorpio (23rd Oct – 22nd Nov): Unemployed will get good opportunities for which they have been waiting for. Good time to relax as, you will find solution for long pending issue. Interactions with influential people will bring favors. Family members will support you in accomplishing your goals. You may have to face some embarrassing moments in some situations. Though health ailments are indicating, you will recover immediately. People around you will recognize your talent. Feel comfortable to express your feelings without any hesitation. Especially in personal matters.
Sagittarius (23rd Nov – 22nd Dec): You will overcome hurdles in important assignments. Good news from relatives is likely. Good time to participate in spiritual activities. A person’s guidance and support will enable you to achieve progress in your life. communications with childhood friends is likely. Unnecessary expenditure is foreseen apparently. You may experience feelings of insecurity in some situations. Favorable time for socializing. Increased charm and social skills make this a good time to develop influential contacts. Avoid being overly optimistic. Delusion and deception are possible if you are too generous. Rely on the advice of trusted friends and family.
Capricorn (23rd Dec – 22nd Jan): Though there could be some delay in current project you will not compromise in quality of the subject. You will get an opportunity to clear off old debts. You will receive an important information from close people. People will appreciate your decisions and approaches. Students will get good opportunities at this phase. Business people will look forward for new investments. Good rapport with associates at work will enable employees to enjoy the work atmosphere. Marked success is apparently indicating for scientists. Your relationships will benefit from greater empathy and a shared understanding. Extra burdens and responsibility may come with your personal progress.
Aquarius (23rd Jan - 22nd Feb): Unexpected profits may surprise you. You will be relived from financial burdens. New ventures signed at this time will be successful. You will discuss some important matters with family members and take important decisions under their guidance. You will be saved from a tricky situation by a close friend. Your dream to construct a house will come true at this phase. Success comes easier because of patience, perseverance and a strong work ethic. Socializing will be more enjoyable because of less stress and more harmony in your relationships. Opportunities for advancement is apparently indicating in your personal life.
Pisces (23rd Feb – 20th Mar): You are likely to be feeling very strong and with good reason, you may be finally experiencing some important success after you have been through some difficulty. Unexpected incidents may embarrass you. You will share some emotional moments with your friends. Though your family members oppose you in some situations gradually, you will find positive changes certainly. Health will improve at this phase. Expenditure due to auspicious ceremony at home is likely. Employees will receive appreciations for their positive attitude and initiative at work. Some of you are likely to travel long distance at this phase.
Vakkantham Chandra Mouli