Weekly Horoscope July 7 to July 13, 2019: Know weekly astrology predictions for all zodiac signs
Aries (21st Mar – 20th Apr): You may take some hasty and surprising decisions at this phase. Your creativity and efforts will enable you to achieve success in your tasks. You can make original breakthroughs in artistic and creative work. Important agreements will be made now, especially in property matters. Business people will take up assignments based on their past experience. Do not hesitate to ask for help from trusted persons in your personal life if required. Good rapport with family members is likely. You will attract interesting and eager people in a get together, others will come to you to share their feelings.
Taurus (21st Apr – 21st May): Financial dealings may slow down at this phase. However, there will be no deficiency for your requirements. Free lancers will get new projects. You will give more preference to your emotional thoughts. Everyone will appreciate for your success in handling huge taks individually. Employees will get opportunity to recitify their errors at work and they will succeed in modifying their faults. journeys and health issues may trouble you. You are advised to channel any nervous and impulsive energy into metnal work such as studying books etc.
Gemini (22nd May – 22nd Jun): Important assignments will be completed with the help of family members. Unmarried will rigorously search for marriage alliances. New friendships will occur while traveling. You will seek elder’s advice in resolving personal issue. Acute thinking and focus on domestic matters will enable you to resolve all the issues. Invitations from important persons will be received. Employees will be relived from hectic work schedule. Misunderstandings with relatives are likely. Expenditure may increase at this phase.
Cancer (23rd Jun - 22nd Jul): Your focus and attention will be on implementing your thoughts into action. You will handle legal matters with great patience and prudent. You will also take final decisions in property matters. Students will have favorable time. Family member’s support and love will keep you in good spirits. Harmony and peace will prevail at home. Business people will have good profits in their business. Employees will get an opportunity to make their atmosphere comfortable at work. Medical expenditure is indicating at this juncture.
Leo (23rd Jul – 22nd Aug): You will get rid of a problem which have been troubling you from long time. Good rapport with relatives and friends is likely. Your family members will play a crucial role in resolving important tasks. Some of you are likely to visit religious place with dear ones. Financial position will be encouraging. You will enjoy the healthy competition in business activities. Employees are likely to receive some good news. Excellent debating skills allow you to stand up not only for yourself but for the rights of others.
Virgo (23rd Aug – 22nd Sep): Your self-confidence and positive attitude will help you make a good impression on people who can help you succeed. New contacts will flourish in journeys. You will spend money for auspicious ceremonies at home. Your interest towards charity works will increase at this phase. Favorable results in education will enable the students to enjoy the blissful moments. Writers will get handful of opportunities at this juncture. Your stubborn attitude will sometimes hurt your family members. You are advised not to get into any arguments. Your initiative in solving property issues will be appreciated by the people around you. Those who are planning to study abroad will get favorable results.
Libra (23rd Sep -22nd Oct): You may have to work again and again on the same issues. However, your determination will enable you to complete the tasks by overcoming all the hurdles. Auspicious ceremonies will be performed at home. Distant relatives may visit you. Those who have lost expensive items in recent day are likely to recover the same. Expenditure due to unexpected traveling is indicating. Employees are likely to receive some important information at work. You are likely to enter into partnership business. It is important for you to keep your balance in everyway that you can.
Scorpio (23rd Oct – 22nd Nov): You can make your dreams come true with patience. You will be more efficient and productive now. Your plans should work out well. Some of you are likely to start something new very soon, this could be in the realm of work or personally, but either way it is a good thing. Communications with dear and near ones will increase at this phase. Those who are planning to join new courses will do so. Time to take some crucial decisions in important matters, it could be related to property also. Spending time in spiritual activities will bring you inner peace.
Sagittarius (23rd Nov – 22nd Dec): Influential contacts will stand with you and support you in all the activities. Income will certainly increase at this phase. Those who are planning to join new jobs may do so. People around you will appreciate your generosity. Your openness and honesty in sharing your feelings support true friendship. New contracts will be made at this juncture. Employees are likely to overcome the hurdles and move towards their goals. You may reminisce about the past or unexpectedly meet up with people from your past.
Capricorn (23rd Dec – 22nd Jan): Domestic issues may need your attention and patience to resolve. You may seek for help and guidance from your relatives to fulfill your goals. Your efforts to increase your income will be fulfilled. New contacts will flourish. An invitation received will bring joy in the family. Unexpected journeys may upset your health. Employees will get recognition for their hard work and generosity. Good time to take up small projects. Business people will have good opportunities to improve their business.
Aquarius (23rd Jan - 22nd Feb): Things may not be perfect, but they are going to be better than they may have been in the recent past. Important matters will be discussed with close relatives and friends. Name and fame in the society will increase. You will play an important role in resolving some important issues. Family members will support your decisions. Unemployed will get good opportunities for, which they have been waiting for a long time. You are advised to postpone long term plans at this phase. Socializing with friends and family becomes more important than usual.
Pisces (23rd Feb – 20th Mar): You will overcome all the hurdles in important assignments. Financial gains will keep you in comfort zone. You will come to know some secret matters about family. Good rapport will flourish with your relatives. Those who are leading creative projects will get good recognition. People who are working in the fields of politics and sports will be in lime light. Students will get recognition for their talent. Your balanced nature allows you to enjoy life to the fullest while not drawing on the energy of others.
Vakkantham Chandra Mouli