Weekly Horoscope Aug 4 to Aug 10, 2019: Know weekly astrology predictions for all zodiac signs
Aries (21st Mar – 20th Apr): Unexpected profits are apparently indicating. You are likely to buy expensive items for domestic purpose. Abundant job opportunities are foreseen for those who are seeking for change of job. Employees are likely to get noticed in a good way, especially by their superiors. Abroad trips are likely for industrialists and sports people. Good time to mend stressful relationships. Investments at this juncture will be beneficial. A strong friend may be an important influence in your life for assistance and advice.
Taurus (21st Apr – 21st May): Happy news will be received. New contacts will develop with influential people. Family members will support you in implementing your thoughts into action. Employees will get good recognition at work. Those working in creative fields should put more efforts to attain good results. A surge of goal directed energy makes you very ambitious. Favorable time to stand up and eliminate any obstacles that have hindered success. Be careful while discussing anything with siblings, as there could be chances of confusion is likely.
Gemini (22nd May – 22nd Jun): All the tensions will end at this phase. Important information will be received from distant relatives. Mutual understanding or agreements will be made pertain to property matters. Decisions taken at this juncture will be appreciated by everyone around you. Employees will be relieved from over workload. Progress in business is apparently indicating for business people. Your creativity will win appreciations. Joyous atmosphere at home is likely. Give emphasis on your personal life.
Cancer (23rd Jun - 22nd Jul): You will not lose your confidence even though struggles come your way in current assignments. Income will increase at this phase. Students will come with added colors in competitions. An information received now, will keep you in good spirits. Business people’s efforts to expand their business will be successful. Employees will be offered higher positions at work. You may feel little difficult to balance your career and personal life. Good time to sort through any recent relationship problems. Discussions regarding marriage proposal with relatives is likely.
Leo (23rd Jul – 22nd Aug): Investment plans will be successful. Any work taken at this juncture turn out to be successful. An information received from distant places will increase your enthusiasm towards your current activities. Progress in legal matters are apparently indicating. Your generosity will earn you good name in the society. Business people are likely to receive new investments for expansion of the services. Joy and satisfaction may come through travel. Favorable time to mend stressful relationships. Pay more attention to home and family.
Virgo (23rd Aug – 22nd Sep): Financial loans will be cleared off at this phase. All the works will be completed as you planned. Some important information will be received from distant relatives. New contacts will flourish with influential people in the society. You will take decisions very hastily and surprise people around you in some delicate situations. Frequent traveling is indicating. Good opportunities are foreseen for those who are planning for higher education. Some of you are likely to participate in spiritual activities. Employees will receive compliments from their superiors for their hard work and sincerity. Expenditure is likely to raise.
Libra (23rd Sep – 22nd Oct): You will succeed in implementing your plans into action. Extra income earned now will enable you to meet the increased expenditure at domestic front. Invitations from relatives will be received. Students will do well in their studies. Contractors will get new assignments. Business people will progress in new ventures. Employees will overcome all the hurdles that come in their way at work. Unexpected journeys are indicating. Domestic issues may cause you worry. Those working in research field will get wide recognition for their efforts.
Scorpio (23rd Oct – 22nd Nov): Good rapport will flourish with well-wishers. All the important works will be completed as scheduled. You are likely to buy expensive items. Managing expenditure and income will be a challenging task for you at this juncture, however you will manage all the things efficiently. Good focus allows you to fine-tune your goals and make clear plans for the future. You will participate in spiritual activities. Students will have better opportunities to excel in their education. New job opportunities are foreseen for those who are planning for change of jobs
Sagittarius (23rd Nov – 22nd Dec): Your crucial decisions will be appreciated. You will share all your thoughts and plans with your family members. Financial progress is indicating. Invitations from well-wishers are likely. Some of you are likely to spend on luxurious items. You will face all the hurdles efficiently that come your way at this phase. Influential contacts will develop. New assignments are likely for the self-employed. Marriage proposal received at this juncture is likely to be fruitful. Awards and rewards are indicating for those who are working in research fields. Domestic issues may annoy you.
Capricorn (23rd Dec – 22nd Jan): You will try hard to overcome obstacles in current projects. Happy moments with childhood friends are likely. Social contacts will develop. Those who are planning to construct new house are likely to start their work at this juncture. New investments received in business will enable business people to expand their services to other places. Those working in media, technical and politics are likely to progress in their current ventures. Long journeys are indicting. Minor health ailments are indicating. Students are likely to receive happy news.
Aquarius (23rd Jan - 22nd Feb): You will attract everyone’s attention by implementing your thoughts and plans. Contacts will develop. Those who are suffering from health ailments are likely to recover from chronic issues. Some of you are likely to plan investments on fixed assets. New job opportunities are fore seen for those who are planning for change of jobs. Employees will be given additional responsibilities at work. Unexpected journeys and expenditure may trouble you. Unexpected journeys are foreseen for the people in politics.
Pisces (23rd Feb – 20th Mar): Domestic issues may need patience to resolve. Monetary gains will enable you to clear off the pending loans. Good rapport will flourish with your relatives. Unemployed are advised to make best use of the opportunity that come in their way. Business people will succeed in attaining profits. Health will improve. You will perform spiritual or religious rites at home. Sports people are likely to receive awards. You will reminisce old incidents. Decisions taken by your opponents will surprisingly turn in your favor.
Vakkantham Chandra Mouli