Weekly Horoscope Sep 22nd to 28th Sep, 2019: Know weekly astrology predictions for all zodiac signs
Aries (21st Mar – 20th Apr): You will seek elder’s advice in few important matters and take decisions accordingly. Financial flow will increase. New influential contacts will develop. Unemployed will succeed in finding right job. Communications will develop with childhood friends. This is a good time for research and uncovering secrets but take care to avoid conspiracy concepts. Deep thinking and intense interaction are possible at this phase. Trying to convince others would result in arguments. Especially, with family members. Journeys will not be fruitful.
Taurus (21st Apr – 21st May): An invitation received now will bring joy in the family. Disturbances in property matters will be resolved. Favorable time for long term investments. Unexpected expenditure will raise. Excellent decision-making skills will bring fruitful results in educational related activities. Nervous anxiety is possible if you are busy and feel rushed, try to slow down if you need to concentrate on important matters. Advice of sibling will benefit you in all the aspects of life. On the positive side, you can intuitively find answers to nagging problems.
Gemini (22nd May – 22nd Jun): You may have to face some hurdles in your assignments initially, however you will move forward with self-confidence and achieve desired results. You are likely to share your emotions with your friends and relatives. An information received now, will give some soothe to the employees. Some of you are likely to buy expensive things. Good time to make friends. Students who are appearing for exams will do extremely good. Creative and artistic work such as music and composition are favored. The focus turns to your home and family.
Cancer (23rd Jun - 22nd Jul): You will handle important issues with extreme care and dexterity. Participating in spiritual activities will bring inner peace and serenity. Financial planning will give good results. You will also be able to clear off all the loans. Discussions regarding an auspicious ceremony at home is likely. Your hard work will be recognized. Good time to stand up and eliminate any obstacles that have hindered success. Communications with relatives are likely to be painful due to negative thinking.
Leo (23rd Jul – 22nd Aug): All the works will be completed as scheduled. You are likely to participate in get togethers or social gatherings. Your decision making skills attract people around you. Your mind is likely to become extremely active with so many new and different ideas. Financial commtiments will be fulfilled promptly. Advice from a trusted person will benefit you in making few important decisions. Business peopel will expand their network widely with new investments. Sports people are likely to travel abroad. Give emphasis on legal matters. Nagging issues may upset you in doemstic life.
Virgo (23rd Aug – 22nd Sep): Happy news from distant places will be received. You will succeed in implementing your thoughts into action. You will earn good name in the society with your good deeds. Students will get good opportunities for new courses. Agreements will be made in property matters. Business people will succeed in making new changes and expansions. You will have the endurance and strength to succeed at difficult tasks. Favorable time for mediation and other spiritual activities because you will enjoy a level of spiritual protection.
Libra (23rd Sep – 22nd Oct): Amazing results are foreseen in important assignments. Favorable time to start your dream projects. An incident that come your way will influence you and bring positive changes in your life. Students can expect positive results at this phase. Sharing and expressing your emotions bluntly may surprise others. Employees will get opportunity to grow in their career. Good time to travel. Trying for easy money is not always favorable. Your efforts to patch up unhealthy relationships may not be fruitful. Some confusions are foreseen in personal life.
Scorpio (23rd Oct – 22nd Nov): Financial gains will be fine when compare with last phase. Good rapport will flourish with dear ones. Some of you are likely to buy expensive items for personal use. Confusions in property matters will be solved. Nagging health issues may trouble you, however you will overcome and prove your will power once again. Your decisions will be highly respected by others. Opportunities for advancement and recognition are possible in professional life, especially for those who are in professional fields.
Sagittarius (23rd Nov – 22nd Dec): Good financial position is indicating. You will spend time and money for spiritual activities. You will reminisce all the happy memories of your childhood. Influential contacts will develop. Employees will enjoy positive atmosphere at work place. Those who are planning for investments are likely to speed up their activities. This is the best time for making plans because it gives optimism, a broad outlook and excellent decision-making skills. Business related travel is indicating. Any kind of negotiations will give fruitful results.
Capricorn (23rd Dec – 22nd Jan): Auspicious ceremonies at home is likely. You will share emotional moments with your friends. Patience and wisdom are required to get out of some tricky situations. You will make a good first impression and others will want to listen to you. Business people will overcome all the hurdles and excel in achieving profits. Professional people will earn good name in the society. Time is also favorable to work independently on something you are passionate about. Your initiative to sort out any recent personal problem will be successful.
Aquarius (23rd Jan - 22nd Feb): Social contacts will develop. Financial position will raise. You will earn good status in the society. Important matters will be discussed with influential persons. You will be more well-organized and industrious, so this is a good time to promote yourself and your goals. Nagging issues will also be resolved at this phase. New investments will be received for the expansion of business. Restlessness and boredom may lead you to seek some changes in personal life. Misunderstandings and arguments with relatives are likely.
Pisces (23rd Feb – 20th Mar): Your self-confidence will enable you to overcome all the hurdles. Marriage proposals received at this juncture will be fruitful. Students will achieve good results. Religious rites performed at this juncture will give immense pleasure. Employees are likely to receive higher positions at work. Hidden talents will emerge to help your personal and professional advancement. Expenditure is likely to increase. Long journeys are also indicating. Good relationships should be fine but tensions will be exposed in unhealthy relationships.
Vakkantham Chandra Mouli