Weekly Horoscope Aug 11 to Aug 17, 2019: Know weekly astrology predictions for all zodiac signs
Aries (21st Mar – 20th Apr): Your social status will increase in the society. All the contracts signed at this juncture will be completed successfully. You will reminisce old incidents. You will take few surprising decisions and succeed in promoting your ideas. You will be able to meet the increased expenditure without any hassles. Legal matters will be resolved in your favor. Spiritual rites will be performed at home. Good progress is indicating for the employees. New job opportunities are foreseen for those who are looking for changes in job.
Taurus (21st Apr – 21st May): Your hard work will get recognition. Unexpected news may force a change of plans. Support and care from well-wishers are indicating apparently. Income and expenditure will be equally raised. Those who are in search of job will put their efforts vigorously. Discussions with influential contacts will be successful. Students in technical and research fields will get abundant opportunities for further studies. Business people will overcome hurdles and make good profits. Misunderstandings with friends are indicating.
Gemini (22nd May – 22nd Jun): Favorable situations are foreseen in all the aspects. Competitors will try to establish good rapport with you. Those who are planning to buy expensive items may do so. Your initiative to resolve property matters will be successful. You will get superior recognition in the society. Frequent visit to religious places is likely. Others may fail to influence you in some important matters. Good time for all sort of relationships. Auspicious ceremonies will be performed at your home. Health issues to family members may cause concern.
Cancer (23rd Jun - 22nd Jul): Tricky situations may confuse you at this juncture. Information received now, will attract your attention. People will appreciate your determination in fulfilling your responsibilities. Good rapport will flourish with your family members. Invitations will be received from your well-wishers. Those who have financial loans will be relived from fiscal burden. Pending issues will be resolved. Employees and business people, who are often facing troubles may get some relief at this phase.
Leo (23rd Jul – 22nd Aug): Contacts will develop with influential people. Information received now will fill joy and bliss in the family. Pending debts will be received. Family members will shower love and affection on you. You may plan financial investments now. Some of you are likely to participate in social and charity activities. Delightful moments with childhood friends are apparently indicating. Progress is indicating for scientists and research field people. Unexpected journeys are likely. Disagreements with relatives are likely.
Virgo (23rd Aug – 22nd Sep): Important information will be received from distant places. All the affairs will run smoothly without any hassles. Contacts developed at this juncture will benefit you professionally. Those who are in search of job will find a right job. Some of you are likely to participate in public meetings and activities. Construction related issues if any, will be cleared. Unexpected journeys are indicating. You are advised to be patient in some situations as time heals gradually. Business people will achieve good success in their projects. Differences of opinion with family members is likely.
Libra (23rd Sep – 22nd Oct): Property matters may have to resolve tactfully. You will attract your competitors with your skills and charm. Misunderstandings with friends will be resolved. Students will have favorable time. You will make some changes in your decisions. People may seek your help in solving their problems. Positive changes at work may ease your efforts in professional career. Favorable assignments are foreseen for the people working in creative fields. Expenditure will increase at this phase. Marriage proposal received now is likely to be fruitful.
Scorpio (23rd Oct – 22nd Nov): You will succeed in important assignments. Income will increase certainly. Auspicious ceremonies will be performed at home. Agreements will be made in property matters. Delightful moments with dear ones are indicating. Students will do well in their education. Construction related works will be successful. Hasty decisions taken at this juncture will surprisingly give favorable results. Employees will be relieved from work stress. People will support your opinions and pay regard to you. Good time to start new projects.
Sagittarius (23rd Nov – 22nd Dec): Domestic issues will be resolved gradually. Significant information will be received about your well-wishers. Any agreements made at this phase will be fruitful. Favorable time to resolve misunderstandings with siblings. Discussions regarding auspicious ceremony at home is likely with your family members. Minor health ailments may trouble you. Long journeys are also indicating. Employees and other professionals will be relived from work stress. Others will get impressed with your ideas.
Capricorn (23rd Dec – 22nd Jan): Vital works will be completed after a great struggle. Those who are in search of new jobs will get favorable opportunities. You are likely to spend time in spiritual and service-oriented activities. You will be able to resolve a nagging issue with the guidance of a mentor. Good contacts will flourish. Employees will be relieved from work tensions. Right time to make financial investments. Positive changes in the situations will bring new hopes for creative field people. Pay attention to your health issues.
Aquarius (23rd Jan - 22nd Feb): Increase in income will enable you to complete your activities with ease. Students will succeed in competitions. Those who are facing false allegations may get some relief. You will play an important role as a facilitator in solving other’s issue. Some of you are likely to visit temples and holy places. Favorable results are likely for unemployed. Private employees are likely to achieve their targets. Minor health ailments may nag you. Step back from the situation that is causing difficulty and work out why you are getting these reactions.
Pisces (23rd Feb – 20th Mar): Information received at this juncture is likely to be a life turning point. Agreements with brothers is likely in joint property matters. New contacts will be delightful. People will admire you and follow your advices with regard. Spiritual activities will give you immense pleasure. Unexpected expenditure is foreseen. Those who have been trying for foreign opportunities are likely to get fruitful chances. An event may trigger a tipping point by taking away your personal power. Hidden talents will emerge to help your personal advancement.
Vakkantham Chandra Mouli