Weekly Horoscope April 21 to April 27, 2019: Know weekly astrology predictions for all zodiac signs
Aries (21st Mar – 20th Apr): Few assignments will be completed with the guidance of your well-wishers. You will earn good name in the society. Blissful moments with your childhood friends are foreseen. Those who are facing ups and downs in the businesses may see progress gradually. Employees will overcome tricky situations at work place. Those who are in the field of arts may receive souvenirs. Writers will be in lime light. Those who are working on contract basis may get good opportunities. Planning for future will yield good results.
Taurus (21st Apr – 21st May): Some hurdles are likely in current projects; however, you will be able to complete them successfully. You will be able to clear off all the pending debts at this phase. Favorable time for students. Your patience will play a major role in solving domestic issues. Your relationships will benefit from greater empathy and a shared understanding. Work load may increase to the employees. Good opportunities are foreseen for the sports persons. You are advised not to take unnecessary risks in other’s matters.
Gemini (22nd May – 22nd Jun): New contacts will bring joy in your life. Those who are planning to buy vehicle may do so. Your analyzation skills and advices will receive high regards. Family pressures may increase. Employees are likely to get promotions or transfers. People who have disturbances with their higher officials are likely to patch up, especially in technical fields. Business negotiations will be fruitful. Some of you are likely to receive gifts. Disloyalty by a close person may upset you badly, it could lead to feelings of insecurity.
Cancer (23rd Jun - 22nd Jul): Financial progress is apparently indicating. employees will be given additional responsibilities at work place. legal disputes or any other property matters will be settled at this phase. Opportunities receive at this juncture could be the best offers you could ever receive, especially for those in creative fields. You are likely to participate in spiritual activities. Take extra time to attend your personal works. Don’t be hasty in decision making. Some of you are likely to take a vacation and relax.
Leo (23rd Jul – 22nd Aug): Expenditure is likely to be increased. You may give emphasis to clear long pending issues now. Unexpected journeys are predicted. sports and political people may travel abroad. Employees will have good opportunities to grow in their career, their hard work will be recognized. They may also receive appreciations from their superiors. Avoid taking unnecessary risks in personal life. Your competitive attitude in business will make good impression and others may want to follow you. Time is favorable to promote yourself and your goals.
Virgo (23rd Aug – 22nd Sep): Some of you may plan for financial loans to meet the expenditure. Those who have applied for new jobs may get positive response. Long journeys are likely. Business people may find new investors for their new ventures. Some of you are likely to keep the family troubles aside and focus on their goals. Invitations will be received from distant places. You are likely to meet new people in a get together, but difficulty expressing yourself clearly could lead to confusions. So, you are advised to prefer listening more to others.
Libra (23rd Sep – 22nd Oct): Expenditure will increase drastically. You will not be able to concentrate properly on anything. Some assignments may get postponed. Differences of opinion with relatives is apparently indicating. Property matters may irk you. Heated discussions with siblings are indicated. Some of you are likely to meet the old friends and share their feelings and emotions. Additional responsibilities will be given to the employees. Sports people may miss the opportunities in the last moment.
Scorpio (23rd Oct – 22nd Nov): New assignments will be fulfilled effortlessly. You are likely to receive some important information from influential contacts. Financial dealings will be done successfully. Interaction with childhood friends will bring joy and fun. Some of you are likely to attend auspicious ceremonies along with the family members. Increments or promotion is likely for the employees. Health check is required. Close relationships may suffer due to unexpected incidents. You may have to react quickly in some situations without fear.
Sagittarius (23rd Nov – 22nd Dec): Newly developed contacts will be more entertaining. Those who have issues with friends and relatives will be able to resolve all the misunderstandings at this juncture. Rational thinking and convincing communication style make this a good time to convince others. Employees efforts will be recognized and they will receive appreciations for their hard work and determination. Increase in monetary position is apparently indicating. However, you will not be able to control unnecessary expenditure.
Capricorn (23rd Dec – 22nd Jan): Auspicious ceremony at home is apparently indicating. You will be able to organize all the works efficiently. Good time to make financial investments. Business people may expand their business activities. Those in sports and research fields will be in lime light. Some important changes pertain to personal life is likely, but you are advised not to be hasty in making important decisions. Try to avoid spending money on nonessential things. Expressing your feelings clearly with your dear ones will make your relationships stronger.
Aquarius (23rd Jan - 22nd Feb): Favorable time to start new ventures. Financial positions will be satisfactory. Unexpected help from childhood friends will make you delightful. Investment plans will be successful. Employees are likely to receive some good news. Invitations will be received from distant places. unexpected journeys are likely. Some of you are likely to buy house hold articles. Relationship issues are likely to occur. Use your initiative to make progress. Your social life will be full of fun and joy. Productive time for those who are in creative fields and sports.
Pisces (23rd Feb – 20th Mar): Delay in important projects is indicating. Relatives and guests may pour in. Some of you are likely to participate in auspicious ceremony. Agreements will be made in property matters. Favors will be received from paternal side. Progress is indicating in joint ventures. Successful completion of projects will bring good opportunities for the people in technical fields. Creative field people are likely to overcome all the hurdles and find new way to achieve progress.
Vakkantham Chandra Mouli