Weekly Horoscope Feb 24 to Mar 2, 2019: Know weekly astrology predictions for all zodiac signs
Aries (21st Mar – 20th Apr): Students will get good opportunities to study further. The growth you experience can be substantial and mystical, with opportunities coming your way to increase your wealth. Don’t dig the past issues unnecessarily and make the situations worse, better to forgive the people and make the life peaceful. Auspicious ceremony at home is indicated. Some of you are likely to perform spiritual rites. Health should not be neglected. There could be some manipulations in personal life, that could profoundly affect your relationships.
Taurus (21st Apr – 21st May): Nothing can stop you from achieving your goals. Your determination and self-confidence play a crucial role. Agreements with siblings in property matters are likely. Arrangements for a wedding at domestic front is likely. Monetary benefits for employees followed by promotion is indicated. Eminent personalities in society will be in lime light. Legal issues if any, will be settled in your favor. Expenses will reach the sky. Good time for those, who are interested in sports and physical activities. There could be some disturbances in your domestic life.
Gemini (22nd May – 22nd Jun): You may spell bound your opponents with your tactics and skills. A competitive yet cooperative attitude makes this a good time to start new projects. You will play an important role as an arbitrator to resolve some tricky issues between your relatives. Managing finances for a better future will yield good results in long run. Employees will get some relief from work pressure. Following various strategies to improve mental strength at this juncture will be fruitful, however physical ailments may trouble you.
Cancer (23rd Jun - 22nd Jul): You are so stubborn to accept a helping hand in finishing some important tasks. Business people may sign new contracts. Invitations are likely from friends and dear ones. Your expenditure may go beyond your income levels. Try to work out the family disputes patiently to maintain tranquil atmosphere at home. Health ailments may increase. Frequent travel may flare up the issues much. Avoid over indulging with junk food. Change of section or promotion is likely for the employees. creative field people may get abundant opportunities.
Leo (23rd Jul – 22nd Aug): There could be delay in current projects. Lending money may become unavoidable to meet the increased expenditure. Family will support you in all your decisions pertain to domestic affairs. You may have to give more emphasis on nagging issues. Students will get abundant opportunities to plan their career. Those who have applied for new jobs may soon get good news. Scientists, artists and creative field people will receive awards and rewards. You will make new contacts in social parties and get togethers.
Virgo (23rd Aug – 22nd Sep): Strong financial state will boost your confidence levels to take risks in new ventures. Communications will improve with friends and relatives. Your relationships will benefit from greater empathy and a shared understanding. Money will be spent on auspicious ceremonies at home. Contractors work skillfully and maintain their position. Litigations matters will be resolved. Speculations may not be benefited as expected. Minor health ailments may upset you. Good time for physical activities like exercise, sporting activities, especially of a competitive nature.
Libra (23rd Sep – 22nd Oct): It will become hectic for you to bring all the domestic issues into stream line. Disturbances with relatives are likely. A happy news from distant place is received. Business people should work hard to sustain the present position. An unexpected incident may bring changes in your life. Employees will get good recognition for their hard work. Those in politics are likely to fly abroad. You can expect more attention and tenderness from your partner. Good time for making long-term investments in property.
Scorpio (23rd Oct – 22nd Nov): You will buy some expensive items. You will be able to discharge your responsibilities perfectly and win many appreciations. Social contacts will increase in a family get together. Students will achieve good results at this phase. Those who have lost the best opportunities in the past may likely to get the same and enjoy the fruits. Employees will receive good news from their superiors. Those in research and creative fields will complete their assignments successfully. Delightful moments are apparently indicating with your childhood friends.
Sagittarius (23rd Nov – 22nd Dec): Exciting opportunities will be received. Success in current ventures will make you feel alive and free. Added pressure on domestic issues is predicted. You are likely to discuss some important matters with your well wishers and dear ones. Those who are planning to get married may receive good matches. Long distance travel is indicating. Students will come with added colors in their education. Unnecessary expenditure is indicating. Minor health ailments may trouble you. Unexpected changes may disturb the employees at work. Those working in professional fields are likely to get abundant opportunities.
Capricorn (23rd Dec – 22nd Jan): Though there are people who oppose your decisions, you will not take back step at this juncture. Money received on time will enable you to clear all the pending bills. Students will get good opportunities. Employees can expect favors from their higher officials. Property matters will be settled amicably. Those in media and other creative fields will get good support and encouragement. Health ailments are indicated. Try to avoid spending on useless things. Since you are surrounded by positive people you will feel very energetic and self-assured.
Aquarius (23rd Jan - 22nd Feb): You will overcome all the hurdles and complete all the pending issues. your efforts will get recognized by family members and you will receive good support in all your tasks. Blissful moments with your childhood buddies are indicated. some of you are likely to dedicated time for social activities and charity works. Good co operation from the co workers at work place will enable the employees to enjoy the work atmosphere. Good time for meetings, negotiations and business dealings.
Pisces (23rd Feb – 20th Mar): Finally, you will be able to finish a prolonged nagging issue. Good rapport with relatives and friends will flourish. Increased income state will enable you to clear off all the pending debts. Important decisions will be taken regarding domestic matters. You are advised to be careful in expensive items. Business people are likely to invest on new ventures. Employees can expect promotions at this juncture. People in professional fields will increase their social status with their generosity towards public activities.
Vakkantham Chandra Mouli