Weekly Horoscope Jan 6th to Jan 12th, 2019: Know weekly astrology predictions for all zodiac signs
Aries (21st Mar – 20th Apr): All assignments will be completed with great enthusiasm and efforts. Some important information from distant relatives is likely. Contractors and realtors are likely to take up new projects. Some of you may spend money on expensive items. You will succeed in resolving issues with your siblings. A tricky situation may test your patience. You will develop social contacts with influential people in the society. Business people may have to wait for some more time to achieve desired profits. Those in creative fields will be relieved from nagging issues. Mental Pressure due to unexpected journeys are indicating.
Taurus (21st Apr – 21st May): An incident that occurs at this juncture may leave a profound impression in your mind. Income sources will certainly improve. Any misunderstandings with friends and dear ones will be resolved at this juncture. New contracts are likely. Unemployed may get good news regarding their job. Business people will achieve profits. Some changes at work place may bring positive results for the employees. Awards and rewards are likely for the people in creative fields. Those working in research field will get opportunity to prove their talents. Average results in speculations are predicted. Physical ailments are indicated.
Gemini (22nd May – 22nd Jun): You will be able to complete and achieve good results in any kind of tough tasks with your hard work and determination. Some confusions in financial matters are likely, however you will handle them efficiently. Important decisions taken at this juncture will give fruitful results. Business people will get investments from outside to expand and develop their business. Financial loans will be sanctioned with fewer efforts for those who are planning to approach financial institutions. Speculations are favorable. Employees who are expecting promotions and rewards are likely to succeed. Mental and physical strain is likely due to frequent traveling. Students who are planning for higher education may get good opportunities.
Cancer (23rd Jun - 22nd Jul): Your efforts to resolve disputes and pending issues will be successful. Important tasks will be completed without any hassles. Agreements are likely in property matters. Some of you may spend time in spiritual activities. Pending debts will be recovered. Those who are planning for construction of house may take a forward step. Students, who are appearing for competitive exams will get good results. Employees can expect good rewards at this phase. Those working in media and other creative fields will get good support and encouragement. Favorable results are apparently indicating for those in speculative fields and also for business people. Nagging issues may irk you in domestic life.
Leo (23rd Jul – 22nd Aug): Your hard work will win appreciations from your superiors. Those who are planning for higher education in abroad may get good opportunities. Favorable time to implement your plans and thoughts in to action. People around you will recognize your talent. Business meetings and other discussions will run smoothly. Those who are facing property issues are likely to compromise with the situations. You will spend time with your family members. Health issues may trouble you. Foreign trips are likely for the industrialists.
Virgo (23rd Aug – 22nd Sep): You may have to face hurdles in completing the current projects, there could be delay in all the works. Unnecessary arguments and disagreements with family and friends are likely. Travel plans may get postponed. Agreements in new contracts may get cancelled in last minute. Take care of valuable items and important documents, negligence may lead to tensions. Some of you may perform auspicious ceremonies at home. Students will do well in their studies. Technical people will get good recognition for their efficiency shown in the work. Good opportunities are likely for the employees.
Libra (23rd Sep – 22nd Oct): Expenditure will increase more than your income. Property matters may annoy you and lead to mental stress. You will be able to manage your responsibilities in the family without any difficulties. Try to implement your thoughts into action. Progress is indicating in business dealings. A news may fill new inspiration and bring bliss to the jobless. Some of you may buy expensive items. Employees may be embarrassed due to unexpected changes at work place. Awards and rewards to creative field people is likely. Those who are working in technical and research areas will excel in their fields. Good news in the family may bring joy.
Scorpio (23rd Oct – 22nd Nov): Some of you may seek advices and guidance from dear ones to take some important decisions pertain to personal life. Contractors may get new proposals. Income sources will increase. Agreements in property matters are likely. Unemployed may get job opportunities. Employees can expect promotions in their jobs. Those who are suffering from chronic health issues may get relived. People working in creative fields will succeed in their new projects. Profits are indicating in speculations. Some mental worries are indicating due to stress and increased work pressure.
Sagittarius (23rd Nov – 22nd Dec): Unless you put all your efforts you will not be able to complete important tasks on time. Misunderstandings with dear ones is likely. Increase in financial gains will fulfill your major expenditure. You will spend joyful time with your childhood friends. New assignments for independent entrepreneurs are likely. Unemployed may be disappointed with the opportunities they receive. As, they will not comply with their requirements. Health should not be neglected. Students will have a tough time. Additional responsibilities are assigned to the employees at work place. Business people and technical field people may take back seat in achieving desired results. Happy news from distant places is likely.
Capricorn (23rd Dec – 22nd Jan): Contacts with influential people in the society will increase your enthusiasm. Those who have started new assignments recently will complete everything successfully. Long pending issues will be resolved. Unexpected financial returns are apparently indicating. You will extend your helping hand in social service activities. Those who are planning to start new constructions may do so. Get together with relatives and dear ones is likely. Family members will admire your decisions and gives you great honor. However, some personal issues related to domestic life may trouble you.
Aquarius (23rd Jan - 22nd Feb): Whatever the projects you start at this juncture will be fulfilled successfully. Good news from distant relatives will bring bliss in the family. Though there will be increase in expenditure you will be able to manage with the same income. You will overcome the litigations in the property matters and come out from the mess. New contacts will be fruitful. You may have to face some tricky situations. There could be a chance of visiting holy places. Those who are against to you all these days will surprisingly offer you best of their friendship. Employees may get some relaxation from work pressure.
Pisces (23rd Feb – 20th Mar): Relationships will flourish with dear ones. All the works will be completed as you planned. New contacts will develop. You will participate in auspicious ceremonies and you will be the center of attraction. Your efforts to increase your income source will be successful. The project, which you are working from a long period will come to final stage. Students will have bright opportunities provided if they are willing to work hard and prove themselves. Employees will have blissful atmosphere at work place. Those who are facing false allegations will be relieved from that mess. Speculations will come true. Health should be taken care.
Vakkantham Chandra Mouli