Weekly Horoscope Oct 11th Nov to Nov 17th, 2018: Know weekly astrology predictions for all zodiac signs
Aries (21st Mar – 20th Apr): Enjoying the simple things in life with someone you love would bring bliss and serene. You will be able to overcome your pressure and stress in the company of your spouse. You may have to face some challenging situations at work place with your associates. Arguments or some confusions regarding money matters is likely especially about debts. Some of you are likely to meet relatives who are living in distant places. Business transactions may need serious attention. Working towards your goals will boost your determination and confidence levels.
Taurus (21st Apr – 21st May): Changes you made at this juncture to improve your personal life will be successful. Additional creativity and motivation are ideal for making a start on difficult tasks you have put off. Give emphasis on those who are working behind you to defeat your progress in business. Someone whom you trust may upset you, don’t be too disappointed. Those who have given loans outside may have to face some issues. Some emotional blackmail is likely, better to avoid leaning on others and refuse to let others take advantage of you. Charity and service to a good cause is highly appreciated.
Gemini (22nd May – 22nd Jun): Your daring steps to make a current project successful will win rewards. Increased passion towards creative fields may impact your life style at this point, better to have patience for some more time. avoid eating outside foods frequently as there could be chances of health ailments at this juncture. Some of you may waste time on frivolities. It is not a good time to take up new responsibilities. Relationships with co-workers or associates may strain. Helping beyond your capacity may bring hurdles for you, better to think twice before doing anything.
Cancer (23rd Jun - 22nd Jul): Take care of important and expensive things. Try to find plenty of time to rest and regain your emotional balance as there could be a chance of increase in pressures. Those working with creative fields are advised to go with the flow whether good or bad, change is going to happen. Some of you are likely to visit pleasant places with loved ones. Short term courses planned at this juncture will be successful. Entertainment with loved ones is apparently indicating. Clearing off unused and unwanted stuff from home or office may allow positive energy to flow.
Leo (23rd Jul – 22nd Aug): Business communications and dealings will be successful. Misunderstandings with family members is likely. Don’t allow emotions to affect you too much. Organize your work schedule for greater efficiency. Pay attention to quality and detail. Your plans to submit documents or any kind of tenders may get delayed. Better to give emphasis on such activities. Children will be more responsive to you and eager to spend time with you. Amusement trips are likely. Spiritual activities may be your priority now.
Virgo (23rd Aug – 22nd Sep): Don’t give commitments beyond your limits, it could unnecessarily lead to troubles. It can be extremely resourceful if you are able to use your imagination in a proper way. You will be able to achieve your goals in a short time with your hard work and determination. Your efforts to improve your communication skills will be successful. You are likely to meet people who helped you in past. Some of you are likely to take off from their work and enjoy their vacation. Joyful activities with children are indicating. Those interested and dealing in arts may earn good name in their projects.
Libra (23rd Sep – 22nd Oct): You are likely to attend social events with your family members. You will get plenty of time to attend domestic works. Obsessing every little thing may not solve the overall problem. Give emphasis on financial matters, though you get money, it will not be sufficient to meet the additional expenditure. Long term planning is required at this juncture. It will not be easy to find additional sources of earnings, you may have to put more efforts than usual to get the new assignments. Don’t speak harsh words with your loved ones it may impact your relationships.
Scorpio (23rd Oct – 22nd Nov): Good time to increase your social contacts. Slow down and take your time, there is no reason to rush. Better to spend time in positive atmosphere. Powerful ideas and thoughts will be proven successful in your current projects. Time to forgive those people, who deceived you in your past, try to treat them with generosity and sensitivity. Finances brightens your ideas about what you really value in life. You are advised not to make any new commitments at this juncture. Your family and spouse will be supportive and makes you comfortable to express your views apparently.
Sagittarius (23rd Nov – 22nd Dec): Some of you may try to learn many things about artistic world. It is not compulsory for others to believe what you think. It is important to review the events of the past in order to begin the next without repeating the same mistakes. Accepting your limitation will develop remarkable inner strength and determination. Employees should maintain secrecy at work, otherwise they will land in unnecessary mess. The more you earn the more you spend, try to balance your finances by analyzing important and unimportant things. short trips are likely.
Capricorn (23rd Dec – 22nd Jan): Growth is indicating in current status of work. You will be highly recognized and well respected in the society. You will be able to do some charity works with the encouragement of your loved ones. New friendships at this juncture will cause little pressure. Single may get good marriage proposals. Some of you may be anxious about future things, which are not there in your hands right now, unnecessary thinking may only ruin your mental peace. A good move to quit a bad habit will be certainly successful and helpful, only thing if you are able to let go of the past.
Aquarius (23rd Jan - 22nd Feb): Short trip with your friends is likely. you need to find little ways to keep from losing your mind and concentration. There could be some ego clashes at work place with higher authority. You are advised to compromise where necessary but standing firm for important principles and issues. Aim high and do not let failure discourage you from working towards the recognition you deserve. You are likely to invest money on fixed assets. You will be able to help someone who desperately needs a hand. Be supportive of those who need you most.
Pisces (23rd Feb – 20th Mar): You will be able to manage your confidence levels even in difficult situations. You may be sensitive to the moods and emotions of others, it is good to surround yourself with positive influences. Travel plans will be successful. try to get relived from mental stress by involving in your favorite hobbies. Don’t be upset if your creative ideas will not get recognition, there is no use fighting at this juncture when time is not favorable. Do not misuse your authority you are given at work. Good to spend some time with your spouse.
Vakkantham Chandra Mouli