Weekly Horoscope Octobor 21st to Octobor 27, 2018: Know weekly astrology predictions for all zodiac signs
Aries (21st Mar – 20th Apr): You are likely to work with friends and associates for a good cause. You are unable to concentrate completely on your professional work. People who are living away from their hometown may visit their own places. New contacts are likely and you make others curious to know all about you. A secret task which you have been working may slow down, you may feel that it’s time to give some break or to step back for a while to keep your mind and body from breaking down. Keep yourself away from the issues which may agitate you, instead spend time in spiritual activities or in knowing your favorite subjects. You may have to take some snap decisions in few situations, keep faith and move on.
Taurus (21st Apr – 21st May): Career plans will be successful. Creative talents will get appreciation, especially in technical fields. You will be able to solve any kind of problems in current projects. Your decisions and ideas may inspire others at work. Writers and scholars will have so much to write at this juncture, it could be most treasured possession of future generations. Some of you may plan outings with their favorite people, especially those in business fields. Timely support and brilliant ideas from your friends may be a big help for you in coming days. Spending time with siblings may lift your spirits. Time to work out on physical fitness. Time is favorable for those who want to go for cosmetic corrections.
Gemini (22nd May – 22nd Jun): Travel Plans will be successful. You may have to work hard to make your dreams come true, It may be hard for you at this juncture, give yourself frequent breaks in routine so you can capitalize on your creative energy. Your planning and arrangements in public activities will be successful. Your contribution in domestic activities is appreciated. Some of you may get golden opportunity to prove yourself to accomplish any kind of task with fewer efforts. Be on your best behavior. Don’t be afraid to push yourself if situation demands. Plan some physical workouts to overcome your stress and pressure. Any activity is more enjoyable with friends. Delightful company of your friends lifts your spirits.
Cancer (23rd Jun - 22nd Jul): Your self-confidence will enable You to take bold decisions in your current activities. Be extra conscious while working in public activities. You feel comfortable while working with co-workers. Picnic or a holiday trip with loved one is likely. You will make surprising and blissful arrangements for them New relationships may flourish. Better to avoid long term commitments. Students need to work hard to improve in weak subjects. Your positive approach and behavior will bring many opportunities for you. You will implement your ideas efficiently in new ventures. Auspicious ceremony at home is likely. Speculations will be beneficial.
Leo (23rd Jul – 22nd Aug): Your relationships will improve by spending time and listening to each other. Property matters may need much attention. Don’t strain yourself in getting things done. Expenditure will increase. Travel plans may need proper planning. Contacts with people in distant places is likely. Work related issues may arise. People in power and authority may help you. Financial tensions will gradually decrease. You will get an opportunity to take up new task through known sources. Love life will be full of joy and fun. Unmarried may get marriage proposals. Listening to elder’s advice in personal related affairs may enable you to select right path.
Virgo (23rd Aug – 22nd Sep): Those in-service fields need to be careful while dealing with clients. Time to take care of little things too, don’t overlook details, as small mistakes could be costly. At work, some confusions regarding work profile is likely. It may lead to frustration. Give emphasis on partnership businesses. Constructive ideas in domestic matters may improve the situations at home. Favorable time to talk about your problems with your loved ones. Your encouragement to a close friend will enable him to make progress in his career. Employees may have to work hard to achieve their desired results.
Libra (23rd Sept – 22nd Oct): You will be given additional responsibilities at work place, which could become difficult for you to handle. If you really want to do something in your own way, you are advised to wait until a more appropriate time. Spontaneous decisions in business will save you from financial losses. Your ego is more concerned now with material assets. Do not allow it to ruin your life. health should not be neglected. Even a minor ailment also to be taken care with caution. Some of you are likely to postpone certain domestic needs due to weak finances. Your life partner may expect some intimate time with you, take out some time and spend quality time with your loved ones.
Scorpio (23rd Oct – 22nd Nov): What comes to you most naturally will be enjoyable. you are likely to discuss important matters with those who are close to you, but you are advised to be careful while dealing with personal issues. You are more sociable and would like to continue conversation with others. By explaining your ideas transparently in business matters to friends, they may come forward to invest their money or brain to support you. Take a break from regular usual work and have some good time. Pay attention to your health. Give emphasis on each and every move in life at this juncture.
Sagittarius (23rd Nov – 22nd Dec): You can’t escape facing nagging issues at work place. Understanding your inner feeling and accepting limitations will develop remarkable inner strength and determination. If you are dealing with any major project good time to make great paces forward. it is very important to guard your health at this juncture. spend time with your family to get relief from your stressful life. some problems will get cleared automatically and you will see the changes apparently. Take care of your own needs first. You will be able to balance personal needs and career demands effortlessly.
Capricorn (23rd Dec – 22nd Jan): Tensions and pressures may put in uncomfortable position at work place. If travel is mandatory, don’t club and try to manage business and personal activities at a time, choose any one of them. Some of you may waste time on unnecessary things. It may be hard to get much work done at this phase. Your new strategies to improve your finances will be successful. Meeting your relatives are likely. communication with them will be delightful. Some troubles pertain to children are indicating. Extra charm and beauty make this a good time for making good friends.
Aquarius (23rd Jan - 22nd Feb): Personal relationships need attention. responsibilities will increase both at profession and personal life. make the best effort to balance your life carefully. Your public reputation may increase with your charm and attractiveness. Some of you may take a short break from regular work. you often feel quite detached from the financial world, but sometimes your bright ideas can have certain material consequences. Spending time with siblings will be joyful. Free lancers should consider finding work, that can gain satisfaction for them, as money is not everything.
Pisces (23rd Feb – 20th Mar): Unnecessary thoughts may disturb your mind. Better not to know things which make you uncomfortable. Spending time in religious activities will lift your spirits. Those in educational fields will find more opportunities to improve their talents. Those, working in media may be given additional responsibilities or may add another wing to them. Travel plans to abroad is likely. People will be drawn to you and want to be in your presence, so do not be stingy with your time. some of you may spend money lavishly on pleasure.
Vakkantham Chandra Mouli